Shooting with Natural Light

Natural light is just amazing. It brings realness in a photo. I always consider natural light before anything else in my shoots. If I need to add another source of light then I will add it. Also during the night I try to see if I can work with ambient light. But most of the time during the day I shoot using natural light and that is especially if I am shooting on location and not in a studio.

Nose towards the Light

As Scott Robert Lim puts it. Face your subjects towards the light source. If you are working with the sun this would highly depend on the time of the day and also how strong the sun is. I diffuse the sunlight using the translucent part of the reflector if the sun is too hush. This will bring large soft light to the subjects face also it will give it beautiful catch lights in the eyes. The catch lights will make the eyes pop and bring life to the subject’s face

The subject in this photo faces the the light source (SUN). That is why we see shadows falling at the back.Camera: Nikon D7200 Shutter: 1/200sec Aperture: f/ 11 ISO: 100 Focal Lenght: 24mm

The subject in this photo faces the the light source (SUN). That is why we see shadows falling at the back.

Camera: Nikon D7200 Shutter: 1/200sec Aperture: f/ 11 ISO: 100 Focal Lenght: 24mm

Bounce The Light

If there is a beautiful surface then you can use it to bounce light to your subject, but this might also make the subject have the color of the ground you reflected from, so be sure to white balance or color correct later in post if the subject has funny colors reflecting from the ground . You can always use a reflector to bounce the light source to the subject, always make sure the subject is in a shade so as you can have proper exposure and a soft light to the subject.

I put the subject in a little shade, put a reflector down below his waist which was reflecting the sunlight.Camera: Nikon D7200 Shutter: 1/100sec Aperture: f/ 4.0 ISO: 100 Focal Length: 50mm

I put the subject in a little shade, put a reflector down below his waist which was reflecting the sunlight.

Camera: Nikon D7200 Shutter: 1/100sec Aperture: f/ 4.0 ISO: 100 Focal Length: 50mm

Back Light

You can also always use the sun as a backlight if it is too hush. The subject will have great rim light on their head. This will bring a little bit of dramatic light. When shooting backlit be sure to expose for the subject. You might also use a flash or a video light to add light to the subject if the subject is underexposed.

The subject's back was facing the light source which created a beautiful background. I overexposed the background so as the subject can be seen clearly.Camera: Nikon D7200 Shutter: 1/100sec Aperture: f/ 5.0 ISO: 100 Focal Length: 35mm

The subject's back was facing the light source which created a beautiful background. I overexposed the background so as the subject can be seen clearly.

Camera: Nikon D7200 Shutter: 1/100sec Aperture: f/ 5.0 ISO: 100 Focal Length: 35mm


It is also great shooting indoors with natural light. The light might be diffused using curtains or not diffused at all. For instance, at this point, you can use a window or door. You put and face your subject towards the source of light be it a window or door.

There you go how I do it using natural light. Hope it's helpful to you!